Why use Destination Dental to find your next position?
We only have real dental jobs advertised by direct employers, so you don’t have to spend hours searching the Internet and speak to multiple recruitment agencies.
Apply instantly for a specific role or make multiple applications quickly. In addition, we are mobile optimised to make your job hunt significantly more convenient, plus we have detailed search filters.
Never miss an opportunity receive relevant job alerts straight to your inbox or social media feed.
I applied for a role advertised on Destination Dental, has my CV been put forward to the employer?
All applications are sent directly to the recruiting dental practice, for their consideration, via our automated system. Once you have submitted your application, any future contact will be made directly by the employer.
How long will it be before I hear from the recruiting business?
The moment you apply for a job, your CV is instantly made available to the recruiting employer. It is usual for employers to contact shortlisted applicants within the first 2 weeks of the application. As a general rule if you haven’t heard anything within 2 weeks, please assume your application has been unsuccessful.
Will you let me know if any other similar dental positions are newly advertised?
You can setup email job alerts from your account, we will send you an email the moment a matching vacancy is advertised.